Project Description
Tourette Syndrome
Education is essential to truly understanding Tourette Syndrome. You may find the following books, websites, and information helpful for you, but because they have not been especially recommended for you or your child by Dr. Goldman please do not consider them medical advice.
Tourette Syndrome Resources
Books and websites for Tourette Syndrome:
- Tourette Syndrome Association
- Video – Newly Diagnosed withTourette Syndrome
- Complete information on Tourette Syndrome from the Mayo Clinic
- Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome by Dylan Peters a 9-Year-Old Boy’s Story in His Own Words, from Amazon
- Natural Treatments for Tics and Tourette’s: A Patient and Family Guide by Sheila Rogers gives great explanations on how to treat tics and Tourette syndrome using natural and alternative therapies, from nutritional therapy, behavioral and counseling therapies, EEG biofeedback, and homeopathy to bodywork, energy medicine, and Chinese medicine
- Tourette Syndrome Facts is a site where you can find answers to almost all your common and rare questions.
- Tourette Syndrome Plus is a great website to look at for parents with their children. With exercises for both parents and children, anyone can learn what daily life is like for someone living with Tourette Syndrome.
- Dr. Mel Levine’s site offering extensive articles, and research on how children learn.
- For self-confidence, focus and stress reduction CDs.
Emotional and social support is often healing. I recommend that you consider going to local support groups or joining an online group such as:
- The Tourette Syndrome chat room
- Tourette Syndrome Association for Young People
- Learning Disabilities Association
Most of these books are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or at The Special Needs Project websites or call the Special Needs Project at (800) 333-6867.